Hellooooo Humans! What?s crackin??! This is The one studios Blogger, a new addition to onestudios.net. Here, you will find info and updates regarding one studios and its soon-to-come family sites, including onestudios.org, Bach2Smooth.com, oneEntertainment.net, WShiznik.com and BryanBachar.com, which are all slated for launch within 2011-12. The coming year promises to be one of excitement for the one ?
Bryan Bachar, Our Main Man Bryan Bachar, one studios founder and resident artist, has begun work on multiple personal projects, including music and visual content. These projects have been in the planning stages for some time and Bryan is extremely excited to begin production. We?ll keep you up to date on his works? development. But also be sure to check ?
Attention!!! one studios is currently undergoing heavy renovations and will continue to be improved over the coming months. Be ready for a totally new site, with a ton more media and a completely original directory that will point you in the direction of other sites that are part of the one studios family! A much more interactive ?